ALSO: Everything for the specialized channel.
From a single seed mixtures more elaborate.
Modern technologies to guarantee the efficient and prompt order service: this is Also's philosophy

Careful company strategy, attention to service quality and to customer care, catalogue featuring 8,000 products: these are the keys for Also's success, the leader in the southern Italy market of pet food and supplies and now famous in Sicily, Calabria, Basilicata, Apulia, Campania, Molise, Lazio, Umbria, Tuscany, still looking for new areas to conquer.

The company selects imports and packs innovative products to meet the needs of owners of small animals at best.
Following its success, Also invested on new computerized plants and it is now ready to launch its own line: it is a colourful and varied line featuring a handy package. The line meets the demand of customers used to famous brands but also of customers believing in the potentiality of brands featuring excellent price/quality ratio.

This is how
Animalin® project was born: quality and safe products, which are balanced, appetizing and digestible, dedicated to rodents, birds, turtles, goldfish and tropical fish. There is plenty of choice.
BASE LINE FOR BIRDS AND RODENTS. The best seeds, selected and sifted, are available in 800g, 1 – 5 and 25 kg packs with protected atmosphere to preserve the product fresh and to avoid insect growth.
PLUS LINE BIRD. It offers first quality selected seeds, mixed with ground biscuits to increase the palatability. It is easy to feed thanks to the innovatory package. It is available in 850g, 5 and 25 kg packages with protected atmosphere.
PLUS LINE BIRD + APPLE.It offers first quality selected seeds, mixed with ground biscuits to increase the palatability. It is easy to feed thanks to the innovatory package. It is available in 850g, 5 and 25 kg packages with protected atmosphere.
PLUS PIÙ LINE BIRD. It contains health seeds to guarantee the balanced nutrition. Micro pellets, which contain vitamin and minerals, avoid problems and diseases related to food deficiencies, typical of grain-only diets.
The broad variety of fruit and vegetables, together with ground biscuits, guarantees extreme palatability and digestibility. It is available in 850g, 1 and 2 kg packages with protected atmosphere.
REALPATÈ LINE. It is the meal with high protein intake, developed with a selection of high-quality ingredients, suited for weaning, maintenance, moult and breeding.
Fruit and ground biscuits guarantee extreme palatability and digestibility. It is recommended as complement food. It is available in 300g, 1 - 3 and 25 kg packages with protected atmosphere.
CROC EXTRUDED. It is the innovative extruded food available in three versions:
Mini is suited for canary, budgerigar and lovebirds;
Medio is suited for parakeets and parrots;
Grande is suited for large parrots. It is available in 500g packages with protected atmosphere.
PLUS RODENT LINE. It offers first quality selected seeds mixed with ground biscuits, to increase palatability, and fibres, to meet the nutritional needs of rodents. The innovatory package support easy feeding. It is available in 600 and 850g, 3 and 25 kg packages with protected atmosphere.
PLUS PIÙ LINE RODENT. It offers the best products for a balanced diet, thanks to fibres and pellets.
The broad variety of fruit and vegetables, together with ground biscuits, guarantees extreme palatability and digestibility. It is available in 800g and 1kg packages with protected atmosphere.
PREMIUM FEED FOR RABBIT. It is the food rich in energy, vitamins, digestible fibres and featuring a mix of herbs, vegetables, fruit, pellets with herbs and raisin. It is available in 500g, 2 and 20kg packages with protected atmosphere.
CUDDLING YOUR RODENT. Sticks line guarantees the quality of fruit and a range of flavours for every pet.
Sticks Premium line includes:
* Tutto Arancia (orange only) - with vitamin C. It is suited for a diet rich in fibre, folic acid, potassium and iron and to increase immune defences. It is particularly suited for guinea pigs;
* Tutto Alfa Alfa (alfalfa only) - with vitamins, calcium and fibres to improve the digestion of rodents;
* Tutto Carota (carrot only) – with beta-carotene, the provitamin of vitamin A, essential to preserve sight. It protects the immune system, it has an antibacterial effect and it supports the correct operating of the digestive system. It is available in 110g sticks.
strong>SNACK/DROPS LINE. Delicious snacks, suited as award for pets. They are perfect for rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs and other rodents:
Drops Frutta (fruit), Drops Miele (honey), Drops Verdure (vegetables) and Drops Erbe (herbs). They are sold in 50g pouches.
FOR TUTRTLES. Plenty of good products are dedicated to turtles:
* Tartaruga - dried shrimps to preserve the properties of vitamins. It is the diet food for medium or big young turtles;
* Tartaruga Big - dried shrimps to preserve the properties of vitamins. It is the diet food for medium or big turtles;
* Tartaruga Fishes - dried fish for adult turtles;
* Tartaruga Sticks - sticks rich in calcium, suited for medium and large turtles. <
GOLDFISH LINE. It is the specific food for goldfish. It features a mix of nourishing flakes with vitamins, minerals and trace elements for the complete nutrition.
LTROPICAL FISH LINE. It is the perfect food for all types of tropical fish. It features a mix of nourishing flakes with vitamins, minerals and trace elements.
Animalin® range, Also offers
Also accessories: :
ALSOreptilia. The company distributes in Italy the whole range of
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